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The Santa Eulària Ibiza Marathon 2025 already has a date. It will be Saturday April 12 the day on which thousands of runners will once again take to the island in what will be the eighth edition of the Ibiza event.

Three weeks after having experienced a historic edition of the Santa Eulària Ibiza Marathon, and after having become the most popular sporting event on the magical island, the organisers have announced the date of its return. On April 12, 2025 Ibiza will once again host an international event which, every year, sees its number of participants and its internationalisation grow.

Maintaining a format in three distances (marathon, 22K and 12K) that accommodates athletes of all kinds and conditions, the Santa Eulària Ibiza Marathon organisers are already working on the opening of registration and the design of an experience that promises to be unforgettable.

marathon 2025


  • Start date

    12 April 2025
  • End date

    12 April 2025
  • Ticket sales

  • Traducción a inglés pendiente de revisión. Diculpen las molestias /
    English translation to be reviewed. Apologies for any inconvenience

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